• WBB_Logo.jpg
  • Welcome to Women's Business Bridge

    Women’s Business Bridge (WBB) is a networking group for women in business, providing professional development and education for women of the St. Croix Valley and surrounding areas. WBB is a program of the Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce and was created to give female business professionals an avenue to focus on their business, connect with other women in business and to receive personal & professional development.

    WBB creates a unique environment to connect, learn, and grow with other women business professionals and focuses on leadership, building personal and professional relationships and community support. WBB is dedicated to women helping women.

    100+ Active Members

    12 Monthly Meetings

    1 Annual Conference

    30 Connection Events

    Community Outreach

    There are so many ways to Connect, Learn, & Grow with WBB, a program of the Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce.

  • Meetings


    We meet the 2nd Friday, each month to connect, learn and grow with other women business professionals. Connect through informal networking; Learn from business experts & Grow your business! We meet at the Lowell Inn Banquet Center!

    At the Friday, August 9th WBB monthly meeting, we welcome Tracey Winn Steivang, Winn Coaching and Consulting, LLC to speak about Hot Mess to Epic Success!~ Join Us! Invite a Friend! RSVP HERE!

    Connect with women in business!
    something new! Grow personally & professionally!

    📣 Get ready to LEVEL UP! Join us at the Level-Up Ladies Symposium on September 13th at the historic Water Street Inn in downtown Stillwater. 🌟 REGISTER NOW!

    WBB Members! Join Us for WBB Coffee Connections in 2024~new dates coming soon!
    Connect, Learn & Grow with a small group of fellow WBB members! 
    We will get to know each other personally and learn more about our businesses and share some structured conversation! OPEN to WBB members. 

    WBB Members! LEARN MORE about our accountability groups - WBB Collaborations. â€‹
    Click on the Member Benefits tab for more details!


    Monthly Meeting Location: we meet at the Lowell Inn Banquet Center!

    Lowell Inn Banquet Center 
    102 N. Second Street
    Stillwater, MN 55082

    The Lowell Inn, located in the heart of historic downtown Stillwater, MN is just steps from unique shopping, attractions and the scenic St. Croix River. Established in 1927 and on the National Historic Register, the Lowell Inn offers 23 beautifully restored, private romantic guest rooms featuring today’s amenities, and 12 contemporary rooms in the new annex.

    Be Our Guest! Visit a meeting and see for yourself, what WBB is all about! First visit is complimentary.

    7:30-8:00a | Networking & Check-in
    8:00-9:30a | WBB Meeting, Introductions, Member Spotlight & Featured Presentation
    9:30-10:30a | Bizzy Bee Hour, Networking & Member Information Session


    Catch the BUZZ!  Learn about WBB Members, Meetings & More through our monthly eNewsletter - READ the WBB BUZZ!


    WBB Membership

    Join Today! Click HERE.

    When you join the Women’s Business Bridge (WBB), you become a part of an active group of women that you will build relationships with, both personally & professionally! WBB is a program of the Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce. 

    CONNECT with women in business who are looking for ways to collaborate and to offer resources & referrals to people that they know.
    Build your Network!

    LEARN about the topics that are important to you & your business at our monthly meetings and learn how others are succeeding and challenge yourself!

    GROW personally & professionally. Discover new friends, business partners and ways of doing business.

    At 100+ members strong, we are leaders and loyal supporters in our community!  

    Maximize your WBB membership when you:

    • Attend each monthly meeting and building friendships
    • Arrive early to meetings, stay after to network
    • Present a 5 minute Business Spotlight 
    • Display your products & services with a Business Display Table 
    • Schedule one-on-one meetings with other members on a regular basis
    • Make the most of your 20 second commercial
    • Attend “fun” events to socialize and build friendships
    • Serve on the WBB Steering Committee
    • Promote your business in the monthly WBB BUZZ eNewsletter

    How do I Join?

    Complete the online application on the Greater Stillwater Chamber's website. At the bottom of the application, you can choose the WBB membership option. After application is submitted, you will receive a confirmation and invoice from the Chamber.
    Once the invoice has been paid, your membership will become active and your benefits will begin. For further questions about membership processing contact the Chamber office!

    Meeting Fees

    First-time guests attend one meeting free. After your first meeting, there is a $30 fee per meeting if you are not a WBB member. 
    WBB membership is per person.
    We welcome multiple people from your business/organization to attend monthly meetings. Each person has the option to have a membership to obtain the member benefits 
    OR additional members of your business/organization can pay the $30 meeting fee when they attend monthly meetings.

    Membership Dues

    $200 yearly Membership Dues / if you are a Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce member

    $300 yearly Membership Dues / Non-Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce member

    Member Benefits

    Member Benefits

    • No monthly meeting fees for members (after yearly membership dues are paid)
    • Opportunity to feature yourself and your business with 5 minute Member Spotlight at a monthly meeting ($25 fee)
    • Opportunity to feature your business in a visual display during the Bizzy Bee Hour, at a monthly meeting ($25 fee)
    • Opportunity to promote your business as a Speaker Sponsor ($25 value gift donated for speaker)
    • Online detailed WBB Member Directory listing
    • Participation in WBB Collaborations-an accountability and mastermind group for members of the Women's Business Bridge.
    • Member to Member Deals (discounts, promotions & services for members, by members)
    • Place announcements in monthly WBB Buzz eNewsletter emailed to over 650 women in business
    • Opportunity to display company literature, business cards, specials & promotions at the ‘Business to Business’ table at each meeting and referral cards in Business Binder
    • Access to Women's Business Bridge Page and private Women's Business Bridge GROUP on Facebook
    • Use of WBB’s logo on your website to indicate you are a member
    • List of all WBB Members/contact info available to you
    • Monthly connection opportunities, see event calendar. Coffee Connections, WBB Fun Events and more!
    • Attend other WBB – sponsored events & activities at a reduced rate
    • WBB Business Conference, member pricing & exclusive offers

    Member Spotlight

    At each monthly meeting a WBB member may Spotlight their business for 5 minutes to share more about their products and services to our captive audience of female business professionals. Featured at the beginning of each monthly meeting, you will have 5 minutes to Spotlight your business, including Powerpoint slides. Member Spotlight presenters may also place literature and information at each table and have a Business Display Table. Your Spotlight description and a photo will be featured on the Women’s Business Bridge Facebook Page and in the meeting slide presentation. $25 fee for one meeting

    Business Display Table

    The Business Display Table provides an opportunity for WBB members to highlight products & services in a visual display and to further network. The Business Display Hour begins 30 minutes before and 30 minutes immediately following the monthly WBB meetings until 10:00. Enjoy further networking while sharing your products & services with fellow WBB members and guests. $25 fee, per meeting. 

    Speaker Sponsor

    Members of WBB have the opportunity to “sponsor” our featured speaker at each WBB monthly meeting. By being a sponsor, you will receive recognition when you present the speaker with a gift following their presentation. This is an effective way to expose your business to the members and guests of WBB. Speaker sponsor fee is a gift card for your product and/or service OR that of a WBB or Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce member’s business, valued at least $25.

    If you are interested in any of these WBB Member Benefits, please contact WBB’s Member Services.

    WBB Collaborations

    One of the BENEFITS of being a member of WBB-Women's Business Bridge is the opportunity to connect
    with other WBB members to find new business resources, referral partners and friendships!

    WBB Collaborations is an accountability and mastermind group for members of the Women's Business Bridge.
    The purpose is to provide and receive support, feedback and suggestions from fellow WBB members to help you move forward in your business or your position.
    • 4 people per group

    • Commitment of 3 meetings, 1 meeting a month for 3 months

    • Come prepared to talk about the one thing that will help you move forward in your business/position and the roadblocks that keep you from accomplishing it

    What you can expect from participating in the Collaboration?

    • the opportunity to brainstorm your business priorities and challenges with other business professionals;

    • the opportunity to provide value-added input and make a difference to other women in business;

    • potential breakthroughs in your business by getting feedback from people outside of your field; and,

    • an opportunity to deepen your relationship with 3 other WBB members beyond networking at a meeting

    Only WBB members are eligible to participate in this program.
    This is a WBB member benefit-no fee to participate.
    Limited to 4 per group. Need minimum of 2 people.

    How Groups are formed: WBB establishes the initial date/time and offers online sign-up so members can choose their group.
    After the group is formed, the group manages the meeting time, facilitation and virtual platform connection.

    Testimonies from recent WBB Collaborations:
    "I love our Collaboration group. Each month we bring our business challenges and generally what's on our mind to the group, and each month I leave inspired, with fresh new ideas that I would have never come up with on my own. As a solopreneur, having someone to just bounce an idea off of is beyond helpful and I love the support I feel from these super smart and motivated women." ~Holly Corbid, Capture Your Photos

    "We all have many balls in the air and sometimes its impossible to get to everything. This group has helped me focus on what is most important to my business, inspired me with their accomplishments and struggles, helped me see my business from an outside perspective, given me accountability, and made me laugh, brought me joy during these difficult and often lonely days." ~Amanda Lathrop, Lead Sheep Productions


    This is your online business card for fellow women in business to find you and connect with you! Make sure you are making updates regularly.

    WATCH THIS VIDEO to learn how to update your Directory listing!

    WBB BUZZ eNewsletter 

    The WBB Buzz eNewsletter includes news and announcements about the business women involved in WBB, as well as updates from our Board of Directors, exciting details of our WBB monthly meetings, membership, fun events and more! Catch the Buzz – the BEST way to keep up to date on WBB Meetings, Members & More!



    Search our directory of members to find businesses to connect with and learn from.  You will find a wide variety of women in business providing products & services in the St. Croix Valley & surrounding areas. Check out our ONLINE DIRECTORY.


    WBB Members>> WATCH THIS VIDEO to learn how to update your Directory listing!

    Calendar of Events

    Connect, Learn & Grow with women business professionals at the Women's Business Bridge monthly meeting.

    At the Friday, August 9th WBB monthly meeting, we welcome Tracey Winn Steivang, Winn Coaching and Consulting, LLC to speak about Hot Mess to Epic Success!~ Join Us! Invite a Friend! RSVP HERE!

    Connect with women in business!
    something new! Grow personally & professionally!


    📣 Get ready to LEVEL UP! Join us at the Level-Up Ladies Symposium on September 13th at the historic Water Street Inn in downtown Stillwater. 🌟 REGISTER NOW!

    WBB Members! Join Us for WBB Coffee Connections in 2024~new dates coming soon! 
    Connect, Learn & Grow with a small group of fellow WBB members! 
    We will get to know each other personally and learn more about our businesses and share some structured conversation! OPEN to WBB members. 

    LEARN MORE about our WBB Collaborations - an accountability group for WBB members! â€‹

    Click on the Member Benefits tab for more details!




    Meet our Steering Committee

    Meet our Steering Committee

    The steering committee for Women's Business Bridge (WBB) meets monthly to discuss ways to enhance WBB meetings, membership & more. WBB’s steering committee is made up of volunteer, active members who own or work in their business, and works closely with the Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce to carry through the mission of the Women's Business Bridge program: to give female business professionals an avenue to focus on their business, connect with other women in business and to receive personal & professional development.

    From L to R - Front Row: Oie Dobier, Bloomdocking; Mandee Puente, Stillwater Stay & Play; Stacie Jensen, Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce

    From L to R - Front Row: Amanda Lathrop, Lead Sheep Productions; Kim Zahradka, Norwex; Julie Grecian, JEG Consulting


    Contact Us

    Contact Us

    We are so glad you found us!  Contact us if you have any questions or feedback at info@wbbconnect.com – Yes, we would really love to hear from you!  We also encourage your suggestions about a dynamic & amazing speaker that we need to know of, a testimonial about a WBB connection you made, or general feedback!

    How could you not want to stay connected with us!
    Facebook – LinkedIn – MeetUp


    Business Woman of the Year

    The Women's Business Bridge program, supported by the Greater Stillwater Chamber Foundation, opens nominations for the Business Women of the Year, awarding one the Business Woman of the Year, as part of the WBB Connect, Learn & Grow Conference. Watch for an announcement to come in 2023!

    Photo Credit goes to Kristina Lynn Photography Design