• Chamber Staff

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  • Coco the Mascot


    Coco is the official mascot of The Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce, and she ‘digs’ visiting with Chamber members. Follow Coco on her journey by checking out our Instagram page @greaterstillwaterchamber, check our Facebook Page or check back here to see updates!

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  • coco.jpg
  • What is your role at the chamber? 
    I am the mascot. I like to think of myself as the “Top Dog!”

    What is your favorite event that the chamber hosts? 
    The Food Truck Extravaganza of course.

    What are some of your favor things to do? 
    I enjoy going to the dog park, walks by the river and watching the bridge go up and down.

    What is the one thing that you can’t live without? 
    My car box. I love going for rides in my car box ‘cause I can see out the window better. I’m small.

    Who is the most famous person that you have met? 
    A few years ago, I met Rin Tin Tin. He was brave.

    What is your go-to Karaoke song? 
    Who Let the Dogs Out by Baha Men

    What are four words that describe the Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce? 
    Super-Duper Paw-some!