• Update on Stillwater Lights

  • Hello All!

    In partnership with the City of Stillwater, local businesses, the Chamber of Commerce, Main Street/IBA, Discover Stillwater/CVB, and most importantly our community members, we are in the process of year two of Stillwater Lights Brought to you by Hotel Crosby!

    With the park at higher water we needed to flex the plan and have since met with the City to move the growing light display up by pedestrian plaza, lights in the park, and across the trail. We are very excited to have this collaborative relationship with our partners to work together for the greater good of a wonderful Stillwater experience for residents and visitors. We plan to continue this work to grow and expand Stillwater Lights in the future. The goal is to make Stillwater a Winter Wonderland from Thanksgiving to the New Year and keep the spirit going through first quarter.

    Don’t forget about the Twinkle Parade (an event hosted by Main Street/IBA) and the lighting of the tree brought to you by Stillwater City Council Members, December 7th!

    Can you Volunteer!?
    We need your help the next two weekends!
    This weekend (Saturday, November 16 from 10-4 and Sunday, November 17 from 10-4) are areas of high-need in order to get the lights up. Please check out the sign-up link for available spots. There are also slots available next weekend, November 23 and 25, however this coming weekend is a large focus with warmer temps. There are three categories we need to fill for each date.

    • Contact Person / Coordinator (2)
      • This person will be the onsite coordinator to direct volunteers on the lighting plan. This should be someone who has been highly involved with the Stillwater Lights setup either last year or this year.
    • Skilled Helper (6)
      • Must be comfortable on ladder! Duties include stringing lights and net lights along the top of the archway and down the sides.
    • Lights Set Up (10)
      • Duties include stringing lights on tunnel and trees.
    Click HERE to Sign Up!
    On behalf of the Stillwater Lights Committee, THANK YOU for your help in this Community effort to bring business and holiday cheer to Downtown Stillwater!
    In addition to the Stillwater Lights efforts, we are also:
    • working with the City for considerations to light up more on Main Street;
    • working with the businesses to light up their windows during the holiday season and first quarter;
    • starting research for how to work with property owners to light up their buildings in accordance with regulations; and
    • expanding and increasing the Stillwater Lights attraction
    We need your Sponsorships!

    Sponsorship options are available for this community effort. Above and beyond this, we are also working with our civic organizations to establish ongoing partnerships. Thank you for your consideration!
    $1,000 Shine On Sponsor
    • Opportunity to light up a logo or attraction (cost not included & size TBD)
    • Name on a banner by the attraction
    • Promotion within press releases, flyers, ads, announcements, website & social media
    $500 Lights On Sponsor
    • Opportunity to light up a logo or attraction (cost not included & size TBD)
    • Name on a banner by the attraction
    • Promotion within press releases, flyers, ads, announcements, website & social media
    $100 Friends of Stillwater Lights
    • Name on a banner by the attraction
    • Social media mentions
    • Name on the website
    Attached is a sponsorship form. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Chamber at 651-439-4001. Read more on Stillwater Lights HERE> Like the Facebook Page HERE>