• PRESS RELEASE: eRATicate Cancer Cruise


    Chamber Welcomes eRATicate Cancer Cruise

    Cody Uhrhammer, one of the board members, cut the ribbon at the Chamber welcome celebration for eRATicate Cancer Cruise. Photo courtesy of Dan Asmus, DA Photography.


    May 20, 2019. Stillwater, MN. The Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce welcome new member, eRATicate Cancer Cruise, at a ribbon cutting celebration on May 2, 2019. The event took place at Stillwater Eagles #94, 14200 60th Street N.  eRATicate Cancer Cruise founders, members, friends, Chamber Ambassadors, and staff were there to join in the celebration.


    eRATicate Cancer Cruise is a 501C(3) non-profit group that was launched in Stillwater as a memorial cruise in 2015 to remember and honor close family members who had recently passed away or been diagnosed with cancer. “The event quickly took on a life of its own and has already gone national, “ said Cody Uhrhammer, one of the original rat rodders. The Minnesconsin group cruises for a cause two times a year, once in the spring, and another smaller cruise in the fall. The 2019 spring cruise begins at Big Guys BBQ in Hudson, WI amd makes stops in Prescott, WI, Kellogg and Frontenac, MN, and finishes at Carbone’s Pizzeria in Stillwater.  The cruise runs simultaneously in Arizona, Arklahoma, California, Iowa, Minnesconsin, Nebraska, Texas/New Mexico, and Washington/Oregon.


    The non-profit donates to national research efforts and also finds local organizations in need of immediate help. Their goal in 2019 is to raise $50,000. Last year was their first year at the national level and they are continuing to grow. The Cruise for the Cause welcomes any car and bike enthusiasts, or anyone wanting to be a part of the cause. There will be a variety of vehicles cruising, from rat rods, to classic cars, muscle cars, motorcycles, and daily drivers. The spring cruise happens on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend every year. For more information go to eraticatecancercruise.com.


    eRATicate Cancer Cruise

    4877 Northbrook Blvd N

    Stillwater , MN 55082

    Cody Uhrhammer


