• Chamber Welcomes New Member Betsy Koepke Coaching, LLC.

  • New Member, Betsy Koepke cuts the ribbon in celebration of new Chamber Membership.
    Photo courtesy Mediamazing.
    July 2018. Stillwater, MN. The Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce welcomed new member Betsy Koepke Coaching, LLC with a ribbon cutting celebration. The event took place at Reve Bistro & Bar in Stillwater. Betsy Koepke, owner, cut the official ribbon and hosted Chamber ambassadors and staff. Ribbon Cutting attendees shared in appetizers and champagne while enjoying the company of Betsy with her warm welcome to the Chamber.
    Betsy Koepke Coaching is led by Betsy, a psychologist and Tony Robbins trained performance coach. Betsy specializes in supporting leaders in both private and public organizations by empowering people from within. Her message to leaders is that we need to “transform our thinking” about how we support our employees so that we allow for balanced lifestyles rather than burning ourselves and our best employees out.
    Koepke explains that, “as we move from the Information Age to the Knowledge Age, there is a convergence between early childhood education research and what is most highly valued in terms of leadership and employee skill set in today’s workforce.” As part of her ‘Leadership Laws to Improve School Climate’ and her ‘Power of Play’ workshops, Koepke emphasizes the “6 C’s” that we all need to tap into our highest potential: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Communication, Confidence, and Consciousness. That’s why you see companies such as Google with playground slides on their campus, and the Huffington Post with nap rooms on site that are encouraged to be utilized during the work day. It may seem to outsiders a bit childish, and it is. That’s the point. Those environments have been intentionally designed that way for good reason.
    In addition to her Keynote Speaking and Professional Development Workshops, Koepke hosts private retreats for individuals who want to dive deeper into personal growth that supports creating balance in all areas of life. Topics include Defining Your Purpose, Money Mindset, Nurtured by Nature, and a Couples Connection retreat that she co-facilitates with her husband, Tyler.
    Betsy Koepke Coaching, LLC
    (612) 405-8836
