• Community Thread’s Executive Director Announces Retirement

  • After over ten years of steadfast leadership as Community Thread’s Executive Director, Sally Anderson, has announced her retirement at the end of the year.
    During her years leading the organization, Sally guided program development including the establishment of the Thrive program, designed to support older and disabled adults with living independently. She was instrumental in developing new volunteer initiatives. She worked tirelessly to streamline operations while addressing community needs such as the Connector Bus Loop service to provide local transportation. In addition, she oversaw several capital improvement projects that will benefit the organization for years to come.
    During the pandemic, Community Thread was recognized as a basic needs provider, a particularly meaningful designation to Sally. 
    Sally has spent over thirty years in the nonprofit sector. She had a variety of roles at organizations including leadership positions at Valley Outreach and health and human services agencies in central Wisconsin. Her professional experience includes starting a nonprofit mental health clinic and managing programs serving aging and disabled populations. She currently serves on the board of Valley Community Center, a grassroots effort to bring a recreational center to the area.
    "On behalf of the staff, volunteers and Board of Community Thread, we extend our tremendous gratitude and appreciation to Sally for her visionary leadership. The common theme of her accomplishments is her commitment to keeping Community Thread’s mission of engaging volunteers to improve quality of life in our community at the forefront of her decisions. We are well positioned for future success thanks to her dedication," said Ted Wegleitner, Community Thread Board President.
    A celebration of Sally’s work will be held at a later date. Please visit www.communitythreadmn.org or Community Thread’s social media platforms for more information. Those interested in learning more about the Executive Director position may also visit the website.


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