Star Tribune
NewspapersAdvertising & Media
Mon - Fri
8:30-5:30About Us
Star Tribune Media Company - Offering mass reach and/or locally zoned digital and print advertising solutions. Customizing advertising programs to address your unique business objectives.
Shoppers respond to newspaper ads. In fact, 56% of respondents either researched online or purchased a product after seeing a newspaper ad.
Source: Google Study, 2008.
StarTribune.com is the #1 local content website by any measure
?StarTribune.com delivers the largest Twin Cities audience according to multiple independent third party sources
?85.7 million page views per month
?5.7 million unique visitors per month
StarTribune.com Mobile is in high demand and growing rapidly
?All new content display and ad positions
?229,500+ unique users monthly
?Over 2.9 million page views/mo
?More than 3 pages viewed during average visit
Search Engine Marketing Solutions
Star Tribune print circulation is growing! Choose from statewide or local/zoned advertising solutions. Some local/zoned solutions include: east metro zone available Wed, Thurs, Fri, and Sun as well as our Washington County Section available Sunday's. Also popular are zip code targeted inserts.
Star Tribune media company also publishes Vita.mn, a weekly rack distributed entertainment publication and website. Vita.mn is the perfect medium for businesses looking to attract fashionistas and entertainment seekers.
Looking for total market coverage? Include Twin Cities Values in your media mix and reach approx. 500,000 non subscriber households on Saturday's.Highlights
- Statewide, full metro, or locally zoned print & digital advertising options.
- Search engine marketing
- Zip code targeted online banner ads and insert options.
- New! Sunday Washington County Section
- Advertise to news-subscribers. They read your messages!
Gallery Image website.GIF
Gallery Image vita.mn_220611-045329.jpg
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