Simonet Funeral Home
Funeral Homes
- PO Box 306 6429 Osgood Avenue N Stillwater MN 55082
- (651) 439-7770
- (651) 439-7772
- Send Email
- Visit Website
Monday -Friday 9am - 4pm or by appointment
Phone answered 24/7Driving Directions:
HWY 36 to Osgood Avenue. Go North two blocks to Funeral Home on the Right side.
About Us
Welcome to the Simonet Funeral Home website. Since 1864 we have served the Stillwater and surrounding communities with care and compassion. We understand that funerals are for the living and strive to provide a meaningful, individual service for every family we serve.
Our professional staff is always available for assistance regardless of the time. We have someone available 24 hours a day to answer all calls. We will help answer any questions you may have, whether our services are needed before the funeral, at the time of death, or after the funeral is over.
We've designed our website to provide information about the services we offer along with helpful links. We welcome and appreciate any comments or suggestions regarding our service to your family and community. Please feel free to send your comments or suggestions via e-mail to info@simonetfuneralhome.com.
Video Media
- One of the oldest family owned and operated funeral homes in Minnesota
- www.simonetfuneralhome.com for online obituaries and helpful information.
- Our customers comment, ''We experineced outstanding compassion and attention to details''.
Community Room - available for meeting/receptions
Community Room
Arrangement/Conference Room
Rep/Contact Info
Brenda SchultzBrenda SchultzPrearrangement Specialist- Phone: (651) 439-7770
- Cell Phone: (507) 259-7951
- Send an Email
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