• Lens Flare Stillwater

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    Sightseeing & Scenic Tours

    About Us

    Lens Flare Stillwater is a ''Not for Profit'' Project that started in 2016 from an initial Great Idea grant from the Stillwater Area Foundation. It is the first and only ''Augmented Reality'' self-guided historical tour in the Midwest. The seven tour Apps are FREE to any user and they may be found by scrolling to the bottom of the Home Page of the LensFlareStillwater.org web site. When a user is in Stillwater, the APP allows your mobile device to receive historical audio, text and graphic information about a location each time a new location ''Geo-Fence'' is entered. The mapping feature also allows ''Virtual Reality'' tours from anywhere in the world. The traffic that is created about and within Stillwater is of value not only to the City of Stillwater, but to any business or event that is nearby the historical location. There are Four Downtown Stillwater Tour APPS, a Loop Trail Tour APP, a Fire Tour APP of Stillwater, a Streetcar Tour APP of Stillwater/Bayport and a Streetcar Tour APP of the Stillwater/Mahtomedi Interurban Streetcar Line. The latter Four tours all feature automatic audio triggers that allow users to listen to the historical narratives. Enjoy Stillwater and the John Runk Heritage!

    Rep/Contact Info

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    Dr. Robert Molenda Ph.D.
    Project Originator