Stuff the Bus Kick Off!
United Way of Washington County-East is here to announce STUFF THE BUS 2024! Each year we work to help ease the burden of purchasing school supplies for families and kids in Washington County. Kick off starts July 9th with donation bins being distributed to local site in which you can drop off supplies. We will collect school supplies until August 5th, you can find a full list of important details on our website. There are other ways that you can get involved to help make a difference in the lives of the students including: making a monetary donation or sponsoring Stuff the Bus. We know that by easing the financial burden of purchasing school supplies is one way we can continue to build a stronger community and improve the lives of our neighbors.
For important dates, sponsorship information, and making a donation please visit our website! If you have further questions please contact Erin McQuay either by email or phone - Erin.mcquay@uwwce.org | 651-439-3838 ext. 2
We are proud to be in partnership with Community Thread who will be assembling Teacher Kits and organizing volunteers. Check out their website for more information!
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