Better Breathers Club - Lakeview Hospital
The Better Breathers Club offers the opportunity to learn ways to better cope with chronic lung disease while getting the support of others who share in your struggles. This support group gives you the tools you need to live the best quality of life you can.
Better Breathers Club meets the fourth Wednesday of each month and features educational presentations on a wide range of relevant topics, including: how chronic lung diseases affect the lungs; breathing techniques; exercise; talking with your physician; medications and other treatment options; medical tests; supplemental oxygen; home health care; lung transplants; air pollution; caregiver support.
If you feel alone and isolated, this support group can help. It feels good to talk with others who understand, which has a positive impact on your health.
Appropriate for community members with COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer.
Family members, friends and support persons are welcome. Confidentiality is honored. There is no fee.
Better Breathers Club - Lakeview Hosp...Date and Time
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM CSTFourth Wednesday of each month, 1-3 p.m.
Hosted by Lakeview Hospital, 927 Churchill St W, Stillwater, MN
Free - No registration. Call 651-430-4786 for more information.
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