• David Aaker, International Speaker coming to Stillwater, MN October 24th

  • David Aaker, International Speaker coming to Stillwater, MN October 24th

    David Aaker, International Speaker coming to Stillwater, MN October 24th

    We are thrilled to bring David Aaker to Stillwater on October 24th for two customer service sessions. Customer service? The first time I heard him was in January 2018 at the US Chamber of Commere Foundations, Institute for Organizational Management . I had been at the Chamber seminar all week, and it was very intense with long days and nights of learning. The customer service session was on the last morning of the week, Sunday morning mind you. My flight was to fly out at 2 pm, this session went until noon and I was spent. I thought, "I'm 55 years old, what can I learn about customer service?" Well, he knocked my socks off! It was inspiring and powerful both from a personal and professional standpoint. It reminded me the importance of people, and how they deserve to be treated if you want them as a lifelong customers. You can register HERE for this event. Check out a little about David. 

    David is an internationally recognized Motivation Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Author in Customer Service, Leadership and Communication.

    He served in Organizational Management as a Chamber of Commerce President and CEO from 1981 to 2004. David is a 1989 Graduated of the United States Chamber of Commerce Institute for Organizational Management at Boulder, Colorado.

    By invitation from the US Chamber, David has been a faculty member for over 15 years for the Institute program and teaches courses on Management, Leadership, Customer Service and Ethics for Non Profit Organizations and Associations at five Universities nationwide.

    David was presented two "Hall of Fame" awards for Community and Economic Development and Tourism Promotion from the City of Palmdale and The City of Palm Springs Bureau of Tourism during his tenure as a Chamber of commerce President and CEO for 20 years.

    David's nationwide clients includes State Departments of Tourism, American Indian Resorts and Casino's, Hotels, Hospitals, School Districts along with State and Local Chambers of commerce, CVB's Associations, Organizations, Municipal and Sovereign nation Governments s in North America and the Unites States Air Force.

    David has been in the Chamber Management and non-profit training arena for over 36 years.

    In May of 2009, Mr. Aaker was named "Among America's Best Speakers" by Sky Radion on American Airlines, and was featured on 42.000 flights worldwide.

    He is also a published author in 2 books. " success Simplified", a new anthology of 24 nationally selected speakers and "50 Unforgettable speakers", both published by Insight Publishing.

    10 Golden Nuggets of Successful Customer Service

    1. Know Your Customer, Client, Vendor, Patient, Or Guest By Their First Name!
    2. Listen Twice As Much As You Talk!
    3. Always Tell The Truth!
    4. Never Argue With A Customers!
    5. Under Promise, Over Perform!
    6. Follow Up, Follow Up, Follow Up!
    7. Be Thankful For Your Customers Who Complain, For You Still Have The Opportunity To Make Them Happy!
    8. Enthusiasm!
    9. Be Thankful For Each And Every Customer!
    10. The Golden Rule!

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